Monday, July 2, 2012

The end

Friday 29th June was the final presentation for the Urban Ontology design course. Hélio and I were working together to produce an urban masterplan for Valletta. Our proposal was a coastal promenade with various nodes of activity along its path to encourage a more distributed pedestrian flow, generate new business and promote urban regeneration.

Our first presentation sheet showing analysis of the existing situation with proposed interventions
along with diagrams to explain the overall concept of our scheme for Valletta

Working in collaboration with Hélio (from Lisbon, Portugal) was a great experience. We had a good working relationship as Hélio was happy to work at my apartment where we could also play music, cook food and go for a drink afterwards. In the end we were able to play on each other’s strengths to produce a really good presentation.

As architecture students we constantly had to remind ourselves to work at an 'urban scale' and not
venture into too much detail. We did however develop a more focused strategy for one area along
the promenade as an example of our vision

I believe the presentation went well, or at least the lectures liked the sheets, as Mark Gilbert later spoke to me about my Photoshop work saying “we could use someone like you, are you staying in Vienna?”. At that moment I was very torn; I had fallen in love with the city, the weather was great, and I had a beautiful woman, friends and so many memories still in Vienna. My reply however was instantaneous; I had a job and a whole other life waiting for me in England, I could not abandon everything, let people down and throw away my integrity. C'est la vie!